TireSizer update v2.3

TireSizer has been updated with new version 2.3. Changed the odometer “Error %” to a multiplication factor. Also added sample speed conversions (60 mph or 100 km).
TireSizer has been updated with new version 2.3. Changed the odometer “Error %” to a multiplication factor. Also added sample speed conversions (60 mph or 100 km).
The Lee Design Services LLC apps website has been updated.
Countries Visited • World Travel Log version 2.0 has been released. This version now includes zoomable maps! The update is free for existing users.
USA Travel Log • States Visited climbs to #7 rank in the U.S. App Store’s word search for “states travel”. It briefly jumped to the #4 rank late in the evening but returned to #7 by next morning. These can change daily, sometimes hourly.
SermonNotes has been ranked #5 in U.S. App Store’s word search results for “sermon”, consistently for the past several months.
Countries Visited • World Travel Log has achieved top 100 downloads ranking for travel apps in 10 App Store countries (per through April 2011): Australia Bulgaria Canada Czech Republic Indonesia Pakistan Panama Philippines Romania Slovenia
All My Baggage • Airport / Train Station Travel Checklist has achieved top 100 downloads ranking for travel apps in 14 App Store countries (per through April 2011): Bulgaria Ecuador Guatemala Jordan Kazakhstan Korea Mauritius Moldova New Zealand Panama Qatar Sri Lanka Taiwan Uganda Also available is a version without ads: All My Baggage+ • Airport… Continue reading »
All My Baggage • Airport and Train Station Travel Checklist was selected by Apple for a featured spot in “New & Noteworthy” in the Travel section of the App Store, November/December 2010.
USA Travel Log • States Visited was selected by Apple for listing in “What’s Hot” in the Travel section of the App Store, November/December 2010.